Renewable Energy
ID | Title | Manager |
#RNE 85/23 | Hierarchical Carbon-Centric Management System for Energy Storage-Assisted Data Centers |
Prof. CHEN Yue Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
ID | Title | Manager |
#RNE 80/22 | Metasurface based all-optical CNN for real-time and power -efficient machine vision |
Prof. Chaoran HUANG Dept. of Electronic Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 74/21 | Development of high-efficient Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) heat exchangers for solar thermal energy applications using additive manufacturing Reddot Award 2022 - Heat Exchanger Professor Song's project has received the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2022 for the concept titled "Ultra-compact heat exchanger fabricated by 3D printing”. |
Prof. Xu SONG Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 73/20 | Modeling of environmental effects on performance degradation of offshore wind turbine blades made by carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRPs) |
Prof. ZHANG, Weizhao Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
ID | Title | Manager |
#RNE 75/21 | Printable aerogels for on-chip thermal management and thermoelectric power generation |
Prof. Guohua HU Dept. of Electronic Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 68/19 | Energy Management System for Large-scale Electric Vehicle Charging with Renewable Generation and Energy Storage |
Prof. Yunjian XU Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 64/18 | Development of High-Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Renewable Blue Energy Harvesting Demostration |
Prof. Yunlong ZI Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 63/18 | Megahertz Current Sensor for Megahertz Renewable Energy Converter |
Prof. LOH Poh Chiang Andrew Dept. of Electronic Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 62/18 | Development of a Novel Cooling Tower with Free Daytime Radiative Cooling for Reducing Energy Consumption in Buildings |
Prof. Chun CHEN Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 60/17 | Tunable spindle using self-excited vibration for high efficiency renewable electric generators |
Prof. Ping GUO Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 56/16 | Robust NiMo-yttria stabilized zirconia (NiMo-YSZ) anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells |
Prof. CHEN Yongsheng Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 52/15 | Experimental and modeling study of biodiesel combustion |
Prof. REN Wei Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 45/13 | Graphene-based asymmetric supercapacitors with high energy density for clean energy storage systems |
Prof. ZHANG Li Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 44/13 | Earth-Abundant Metal/Metal Oxide Nanostructures for Rechargeable Li-Air Batteries: Catalyst Design and Mechanistic Investigation |
Prof. LU Yi-Chun Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 41/12 | Ternary Hybrid Polymer/Nanocrystal Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells with Cascade Energy-Level Alignment |
Prof. ZHAO Ni Dept. of Electronic Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 40/12 | Understanding Electron and Phonon Transport in Boron Carbide Nanowires for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion |
Prof. XU Dongyan Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |
#RNE 39/12 | Vibration Energy Harvesting Utilizing Multifunctional Phononic Meta-Materials and Structures |
Prof. WANG Yu, Michael Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering of CUHK |